Walsgrave Academy Local Governing Board

Chair of Governing Board
Walsgrave Academy

Welcome from Don Pendergrast – Chair of the Local Governing Body
I am delighted to welcome you to this webpage on the Local Governing Body section of Walsgrave CE Academy’s website. My name is Don Pendergrast and I am the Chair of the Local Governing Body, having been a Governor at the Academy since 2015. With four children at the school, across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, I have good insight into the day to day experiences of pupils and parents at the Academy.
The Local Governing Body is made up of a range of members, bringing diverse skills and experiences to the Governing Body. The consistency of the Governing Body includes:
- two Parent Governors elected by parents of the children at Walsgrave CE Academy;
- two Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Coventry Diocesan Board of Education;
- one co-opted member (this position allows the Governing Body to add a candidate with complementary skills to enhance the membership of the Governing Body);
- one staff member who is elected by Walsgrave CE Academy staff;
- and the Headteacher
As a Governing Body we work in partnership with the senior management team to ensure that a high standard of education is provided to every pupil in our care. The Governing Body acts as ‘critical friends’ to the senior management team. It is our responsibility to ask difficult questions and challenge decisions in a constructive and professional way, in order to help the Academy to deliver the outstanding level of education that the senior management team, staff, parents and pupils are all striving for. To achieve this, Governors work closely with senior managers and staff, reviewing strategic direction, development plans, target setting, monitoring performance against national standards and the school’s own expectations. We meet regularly and visit the school during the day to observe lessons, activities and to review evidence of learning and pupil progress.
It is also important to say that the two Foundation Governors also have a particular role in upholding the Christian Ethos of the Academy, which includes a sensitivity to religious traditions other than those of the Church of England, for all parents and pupils represented within the school.
On a day to day basis the running of the Academy is the responsibility of the Headteacher, but we as a Governing Body want to make sure that the school keeps on the right course. Therefore, we are keen to gather views and opinions from children, parents, teachers and the wider community. Please feel free to contact any of the Governors, through the School Office.
Kind regards
Don Pendergrast
Chair of the Local Governing Body
Contact Via:
Walsgrave CE Academy,
School House Lane
Tel: 02476 612161