Support and challenge takes place within a clear framework of accountability to drive up standards. Joining Inspire Education Trust represents a unique opportunity to draw on expertise across all our schools, led by our Head of Blue Coat School – Victoria Shelley and supported by the Senior Leadership Team covering key areas such as: Teaching & Learning; Leadership Development; Behaviour & Wellbeing; Curriculum Design; and Assessment & Achievement.
School Improvement Principles
At Inspire we want to ensure that all schools achieve the highest educational outcomes for every learner so they can have as many life fulfilling opportunities as possible. All children and young people deserve the best possible educational provision. Fundamental to this is our collaborative approach to school improvement at every level with in our schools.
School improvement priorities include:
- Improved academic outcomes for all, diminishing differences in the performance of different learner groups
- Improved educational provision and opportunity
- Developing outstanding practitioners and sharing good practice
As a Trust, we aim to build school self-sufficiency, not dependency in external school improvement support and advice.
We do this by:
- Promoting and supporting successful professional learning.
- Building a collaborative relationship between the Head of Blue Coat School, the Head of Education Primary and all Headteachers within our Trust; building positive professional peer-to-peer partnerships with schools within the Trust and beyond.
- Ensure all schools are clear about the accountability process and the focus on achieving improving outcomes for all children.
- Promote the understanding of best practice and understand evidenced based research.
Our Senior Leadership Team’s Roles and Responsibilities are as follows:
Vicki Shelly
Head of bluecoat Secondary
Strategic Lead for Secondary Education Provision at Inspire
Lisa Henden
Deputy Headteacher
Strategic Lead for Curriculum and Outcomes
Clare Taylor
Assistant Headteacher
Teaching & Learning and QA
Jen Davoile
Assistant Headteacher
Head of Sixth Form
Claire Milbourne
Assistant Headteacher
Neil Phipps
Assistant Headteacher
Inclusion and Ethos & Values
Alex Tomlinson
Assistant Headteacher
Assessment & Progress
Gemma Hathaway
Assistant Headteacher
Zara Yasmeen
Assistant Headteacher
Quality of Education