Our Offer

ieTrust > Our Offer

The benefits of working as a Multi Academy Trust are now well documented in terms of sharing expertise, economies of scale and shared services. As an established Multi Academy Trust with 6 schools supporting 4,000 pupils and 500 staff our systems directly influence the classroom experience, ensuring our resources are used for the benefit of all pupils ensuring a fair and equitable education for all. In Inspire Education Trust we operate to a simple principle “we are all responsible for one another’s children”.

Membership of Inspire Education Trust give academies access to a range of school improvement, support and services and importantly the opportunity to shape these going forward as we build capacity at Trust level ahead of need.

Our approach relies heavily on shared accountability for raising achievement by commitment to our Vision and Values. Academies are expected to commit to pro-active membership, which will ensure that the Trust continually improves the offering for staff, children and young people in all of the partner academies.

Our strategy of growth with care ensures the Trust has the capacity to meet the needs of each Academy in terms of support, challenge and leadership without compromising the core purpose of any academy within the Trust.

Our shared services model is developing with a Chief Finance Officer (CFO) role leading our back-office functions along with our school to school improvement models.

Contribution to Trust Services

We ask for a contribution to all services offered by the Trust @ 5% of an Academies GAG funding each year which allows us to deliver the following services:-

Human Resources

Under the leadership of the HR Manager for the Trust we provide extensive experience and support, advising on performance management, change, employee relations and specialist experience in absence management.

The payroll provision is outsourced under the direction of the Head of Finance.

Inspire Education Trust buys the RPA insurance which has been specifically set up by the EFA to facilitate and deliver insurance cover for academies. This ensures value for money.

Data Management and GDPR compliance

We have our own Data Protection Officer (DPO) within the Trust who provides expert advice on data reporting and managing student data.

Governance Development

We currently offer a blended service for our Governors Clerking Advice, utilising Coventry City Council and internal support to provide an efficient and professional governance service. We also offer a comprehensive training and development package for Directors and Governors utilising leading governance institutes such as Confederation of School Trusts and Ambition Institute.

Academy Conversion

We understand from our own experience that the conversion process can be a distraction away from core purpose for school leaders. Within the Trust Senior Leadership Team, we have built up strong knowledge and working experience of the conversion process and as such will support and manage the process. We have access to legal expertise through our external partnerships which means partner academies can be assured of receiving sound advice at every stage.

Business Support

All academies within the Trust are supported by the CFO who has delegated responsibility for:

  • Delivering financial administration and budget management;
  • Premises;
  • H&S;
  • Management of Support staff;
  • Administration of Human Resources.

The CFO undertakes the Management and Financial reporting function. This includes:

  • Internal and external statutory audits;
  • The production of annual accounts;
  • Presenting financial positions to the Finance and Audit Committee, Board of Directors and attending Local Governing Body meetings at the request of the CEO.

The Trust employs a Premises team under the direction of the Head of Operations, who gives advice, guidance and support to our Site Service Officers at each academy. In addition to this, our Premises Managers co-ordinate all premises purchases ensuring economies of scale and value for money.

Health & Safety

Each school has a H&S Committee which meets on a termly basis chaired by the Headteacher and is supported by the Head of Estates.

The Trust has a central ICT team led by an experienced Strategic Network Manager who together with his team manage the curriculum network and give support to each academy within the Trust for both current and future needs, including reliability and resilience.

Under the direction of the CFO, the ICT team leads in the development of the use of Information Technology across our schools and provides a technician service to staff and students engaged in the use of ICT.

As more schools join the MAT we will be in a position to secure more efficient and effective procurement through stronger bargaining power and economies of scale. Costs of additional staff can be spread across schools such as the provision of Sports Coaches, Educational Psychologists and Educational Consultants that could not be sustainable by a standalone school. Any funding received by staff who work outside their school such as SLE’s will be retained by that school.