Primary School Improvement

ieTrust > Our Offer > Primary School Improvement

Support and challenge takes place within a clear framework of accountability to drive up standards. School to school support is at the heart of our improvement strategy. Joining Inspire Education Trust represents a unique opportunity to draw on expertise across all our schools through our working model, led by our Head of Education Primary – Rob Darling, experienced senior leaders and a range of Lead Practitioners across the key areas of: Teaching & Learning; Leadership Development; Behaviour & Wellbeing; Curriculum Design; Assessment & Achievement; and Governance.

School Improvement Principles

At Inspire we want to ensure that all schools achieve the highest educational outcomes for every learner so they can have as many life fulfilling opportunities as possible. All children and young people deserve the best possible educational provision. Fundamental to this is our collaborative approach to school improvement at every level with in our schools.

School improvement priorities include:

  • Improved academic outcomes for all, diminishing differences in the performance of different learner groups
  • Improved educational provision and opportunity
  • Developing outstanding practitioners and sharing good practice

As a Trust, we aim to build school self-sufficiency, not dependency in external school improvement support and advice.

We do this by:

  • Promoting and supporting successful professional learning.
  • Building a collaborative relationship between the Head of Education Primary and all Headteachers within our Trust; building positive professional peer-to-peer partnerships with schools within the Trust and beyond.
  • Ensure all schools are clear about the accountability process and the focus on achieving improving outcomes for all children.
  • Promote the understanding of best practice and understand evidenced based research.

Rob Darling

Head of Education Primary

Strategic Lead for Primary Education Provision at inspire

Amy Husband

Strategic Lead for Inclusion & Vulnerable Groups

Strategic Lead for Safeguarding, SEND, Pastoral Provision & Cross-Phase Transition

Jo Upton

Strategic Lead for Teaching & Learning

Strategic Lead for Curriculum Development & Provision

Sarah Ashworth

Strategic Lead for Early Years Foundation Stage

Strategic Lead for EYFS Curriculum Development & Provision

Our Headteacher Partnership

This comprises of Headteachers from each Trust school.  Heads meet together with the Head of Education Primary virtually each week via Microsoft Teams and at least twice a half term face-to-face in order to ensure continuous school improvement.

Headteachers provide mutual support for:

  • Chosen assessment materials and comparison of DATA
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • CPD Delivery
  • Tracking support
  • Teaching and Learning support
  • Curriculum Development
  • Pupil Well Being
  • Inclusion
  • Performance Management
  • Succession Planning – identifying school leaders and training teachers of the future

We recognise the experience and expertise of individuals and encourage them to lead initiatives.

Madaleine Morgan

Headteacher Clifford Bridge Academy

Claire Jones

Headteacher Hersall Community Academy

Gill Bowser

Headteacher Stockingford Academy

Damien Sowerby

Headteacher Walsgrave C of E Academy

Michelle Harris

Headteacher Whittle Academy

The Teaching and Learning Team

The Head of Education Primary has an overview of the quality of teaching and learning across all primaries in the Trust. He directs the work of the Teaching and Learning Consultant and her team to meet individual schools CPD needs.

Teaching and Learning is further supported by:

  • Trust Strategic Leads for English, Maths, Science, Inclusion, Data & Assessment and Thematic curriculum and all other areas of the curriculum
  • School and cross MAT training

Amy Ginger

Teaching Specialist

Beki Moore

Teaching Specialist

Daisy Morgan

Teaching Specialist

Mathew Thomas

Teaching Specialist

Leadership Development

School leaders at all levels are inducted into role. The Head of Education Primary coordinates support for Heads reflecting their level of experience. Senior leaders provide a range of training for staff at Inspire and other local schools through the Teaching School. Talent spotting across the Trust informs bespoke training plans.

Behaviour and Wellbeing

The Strategic Lead of Inclusion and Vulnerable Groups and the Trust Pastoral Lead ensure best practice around Safeguarding and care. All our academies are ‘Thrive Schools” and we have XX trained practitioners across the Trust.


Inspire Education Trust has written its’ own curriculum reflecting the needs of our children and their culture and local heritage. This is personalised at individual school level. This has been updated with staff from across the Trust in line with the new Ofsted Education Improvement Framework – September 2019 led by the Strategic Lead for Curriculum Development & Provision.

Assessment and Achievement

The Head of Education Primary is the Trust Assessment Lead. He disseminates information and provides CPD around all aspects of data management and analysis. He collates Trust DATA for Directors and coordinates systems and processes.


Regular Chair of Governor meetings take place between the CEO, the Head of Education Primary and Chairs of Local Governing Bodies. Training needs are identified and provided both in house and externally. Representatives of Local Governing Bodies attend Directors meetings as observers.

Inspiring a Generation

Our name “Inspire Education Trust” symbolically reflects the beating heart of our Multi-Academy Trust.  We want to inspire teachers to provide the very best education to the children in their care each and every day. We want to inspire children to be life-long learners and find their ‘thing’ that will take them on an exciting life journey with all the skills necessary to flourish. We want to inspire parents and carers to share in their children’s school journey, recognising they are just as important teacher and mentor in their children’s lives.

Our Trust is a community of schools that have shared values and share an essential common ethos and vision for education and learning, as encapsulated in our values.  These values drive our behaviour, decision making and ambitions:

  • The highest educational outcomes for every learner is paramount
  • Preserving the unique identity and ethos of all partner schools is essential
  • To be inclusive
  • Being self-reflective is essential in encouraging innovation, our Trust is always driven to improve further
  • We value strong clear moral purposed leadership
  • We depend on recruiting, retaining and professionally developing members of staff who are ambitious for all children and young peoples’ futures
  • Our Trust promotes collaborating with others and being outward looking