Inspire Education Trust Governance

ieTrust > Our Trust > Board of Directors > Inspire Education Trust Governance

Rev Christopher Cocksworth
Appointed by: Diocese of Coventry
Date Appointed: 01/09/2019
Tenure: Undefined
Other School Governor Post Held: Academies within the Coventry Diocese
Connections to Staff: Daughter in law works for the trust
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

David Bermingham
Appointed by: Strategic Board – Inspire Education Trust
Date Appointed: 25/02/2022
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

April Gold
Appointed by: Coventry Diocesan Board of Education
Date Appointed: 01/05/19
Tenure: Undefined
Other School Governor Post Held: Deputy Diocesan Director of Education
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Paul Smith
Appointed by: Strategic Board – Inspire Education Trust
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Tenure Undefined
Other School Governor Post Held:
Connections to Staff: Wife works for the trust
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Tulo Raistrick
Appointed by: Strategic Board – Inspire Education Trust
Date Appointed: 22/11/2021
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

David Bermingham
Appointed by: Members
Date appointed: 09.10.2020
Tenure: 4 Years
Position of Responsibility: Chair
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Mark Gore
Appointed by: MAT Board of Directors
Date appointed: 01/09/2019
Tenure: 4 Years
Position of Responsibility: Safeguarding
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interest in the MAT

Sybil Hanson
Appointed by: Members appointment
Date Appointed: 01/12/18
Tenure: 4 years
Position of Responsibility: Education
Other School governor Post Held: Yes, ST Johns C of E Academy
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Nichola Aston
Appointed by: Members
Tenure: 4 Years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Lisa Hayes
Appointed by: Trust Directors
Date appointed: 23.03.2022
Tenure: 4 Years
Position of Responsibility: Chair of Pay and People Performance Committee
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Jane Durkin
Appointed by: Members
Tenure: 4 Years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

Charlotte Marten
Appointed by: Trust Directors
Date appointed: 22.05.2024
Tenure: 4 Years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial interests in the school

To view additional information about the Inspire Education Trust governance, please take a look at our Statutory Information page by clicking here.